Grant Making Strategy

Trustees often have strong opinions about the areas they want to support and there may be differences of opinion amongst them about their objectives or how to achieve them. Once they have agreed on what they want to support, their donations need to get to the organisations best placed to deliver.

There are thousands of charities in the UK, many of them with very similar objectives. Not all are as well run, effective and worthy of support as others. Deciding on which charities should receive support can be difficult for trustees with many factors to consider. Trustees may therefore rely on their foundation administrator to research into relevant charities, carry out due diligence and report back on which charities and projects will best fulfil the trustee’s strategy.


  • Identify the charities that best fulfil your grant making strategy
  • Carry out due diligence on them and make recommendations to trustees
  • Monitor use of donations for impact and effectiveness
  • Discover areas that could be considered by trustees to better fulfil their grant making objectives

Services include

  • Ensuring that grants are made in line with the grant making strategy
  • Conducting due diligence on charities shortlisted for support
  • Maintaining an overview of what is being supported and advising on areas over or under represented
  • Maintaining ongoing contact with beneficiary charities and reviewing effectiveness of donations

‘Please call me on 07801 695400 or email me at if you would like to have an initial conversation about this or any of the other services I can provide’