
In his time as a charity fundraiser Alan Curtis has seen the profession fundamentally change. He has been part of the Senior Management Team at leading charities during both sector changes and specific organisational changes, including mergers.

Alan Curtis has been instrumental in the professionalisation of the sector at organisations at the cutting edge of this process. He takes an interest in ensuring that the charities maintain their relevance to their beneficiaries; that their operational delivery adapts as needs change; and that supporters are fully bought-in to the process of change.

Alan Curtis is a Major Gift specialist who has successfully led Fundraising Teams at multi-million-pound charities.

By building cohesive teams, implementing a clear strategy and encouraging individual responsibility, Alan Curtis has significantly increased sustainable, annual income at each of the charities for which he has worked.

With over 30 years hands-on experience, Alan Curtis has developed a no-nonsense, practical approach which focusses on the core skills of fundraising.

Alan Curtis doesn’t just know the solutions, he knows the questions
you should be asking:

and Alan Curtis will show you how to find the answers.